Patient Reviews

Testimonial Comments


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The following are patient reviews created by people that have received treatment by Merle Friedman, AP. These patient’s reviews are candid testimonials in their own words. Merle always takes a personal interest in her patient’s feedback. She make sure they’re completely satisfied and understand the treatment they received.

Please note, by submitting your comment below. By doing so, you are giving Merle permission to use your name and testimonial to help promote her business. You may choose to just supply your first name and the first letter of your last name instead of your full name. Merle is grateful to those helping her by freely sharing their experiences and satisfaction with her services.

Please add your patient review for any treatments you have received from Merle Friedman by simply typing your name or initials, email address, a short description of your experience with Merle’s services and finally click on “Submit Comment” button on the bottom of this page. Thank you for your frank remarks. Your feedback is always appreciated.


  1. Tammy

    I’ve been seeing Merle for almost 2 years now. I was suffering from terrible anxiety due to my hormones. I was so bad and I couldn’t eat. I’ve always been a very strong person and could handle stress until this happened. Merle was wonderful! She listened to me and worked closely with me to focus on my needs. She was able to successfully treat my anxiety by keeping my body relaxed and grounded. She brought me emotional stability during a very trying time in my life. She truly cares about her patients. I will never be able to thank her enough for all that she has done for me. I never would have succeeded at battling my hormonal anxiety without her.

  2. Zoe Costello

    I can’t thank Merle enough for everything that she has done for me. I came to Merle after suffering from headaches since childhood. Merle was the first person to actually listen to me. She took all my thoughts into consideration when developing a plan to optimizing my health. After just one session with Merle, I felt like a new person. I looked forward to each session together because I felt better each and every time. Thank you so much Merle!!

  3. Travis Smith

    As a veteran suffering from PTSD, Chronic Migraines, Psoraisis, Depression, Arthritis and a laundry list of other things I was referred to Merle by the VA. It was at that first appointment that I realized that I was finally getting the care and treatment I deserved. From the receptionist to the actual treatment it could not have been a better experience. I am accustomed to money hungry physicians looking to force drugs down your throat with no true love or passion for helping their patients. Merle took the time to get to know me and asked the hard questions the other doctors did not. I did about 6 months of treatment before COVID and a humanitarian mission took me away and I never felt better. When I left the session I had to sit in my car and just unwind because the feeling of positivity and energy was just overwhelming, my depression vanished and I felt a “high”. I have always preferred holistic treatment over pharmaceutical but I never could have imagined how well this would work. I should note that all of my symptoms have lessened and even vanished. I was on over 20 pills a day and now I take none. If you are skeptical and want to give this a try, I highly recommend starting here. With Merle you will not just be another name in the assembly line of big health care; you will be treated with care and as an individual by a physician with love and passion for the treatment and wellness of your issues. Her love and passion for this art has motivated me to also pursue this field. We need more physicians like her in this world. Thank you Merle, for saving my life.

  4. Lucy

    My grandmother could not walk for two weeks but after one visit she was back up and active! Completely transformed her. Now we go back every two weeks and continue to see improvements! I’m so happy we found this clinic!

  5. Dan Saccavino

    Hi! My name is Dan. I’m a 54 year old IT manager who had suffered from asthma and a really bad case of sciatic nerve pain on my right buttocks for the better part of two years. I’d gone to medical doctors and chiropractors (respectively) for both conditions multiple times and found no relief. The medical industry had no cure for me.

    On a suggestion from a neighbor, I went to Merle and after half a dozen sessions with her (needles and herbal supplements) both of my problems were cured. I wouldn’t believe this story if someone else told me.. but I’ll be damned if there’s any hyperbole or exaggeration in this tale. I also wouldn’t write it if it weren’t true.

    No more asthma, no more sciatic pain. None. Fricken AMAZING!!!!! She’s a great lady who is humble, kind and actually cares about her patients. We hug when I visit her and she feels like a friend.

    If you are suffering from a malady, go see her. I’m not guaranteeing a solution for *you* – but she’s got the goods to help most people quickly, cleanly and effectively. You can’t buy that kind of cure from modern medicine. She delivers every time!!!!

  6. Jose Martinez

    I had the pleasure of being treated by Merle I had chronic fatigue, inability to sleep well and toxins in my body, after two sessions with Merle I felt more energetic and was able to sleep soundly again. she recommended certain herbal medication to address the toxins that were inhabiting my body and I feel like a new man! I strongly recommend Merle to everyone, and if you can’t go see Merle make sure you see an acupuncturist that is as certified and experienced as Merle is

  7. Paul in Brandon

    “I’m an 80-year-old realtor and I have Wet Macular degeneration. I’ve been getting injections in both of my eyes by my ophthalmologist for the past 3 1/2 years. A year ago, Merle Friedman, Acupuncture Physician, suggested that I try Acupuncture for my eyes. I couldn’t believe that acupuncture would help my eyes until recently when I went online and downloaded some testimonials of people my age having the same problem and having good results from acupuncture treatment. I finally said OK to Merle, and after just 2 treatments, I noticed my eyesight improving. First, I noticed faces that were always blurry are now clearing up! Then, I found that I could read the newspaper again. Before I could only see the headlines and I needed to use a magnifying glass for the fine print. Now, I can read the paper and books without a magnifying glass! The cobwebs are disappearing (almost all gone) from my vision. My vision is getting clearer every day. Also, I can see much better driving now…it’s Amazing! I am now a believer of Acupuncture helping someone with Macular degeneration.”

    Originally submitted by Paul in Brandon says acupuncture helped to restore his vision. The websitemaster posted this comment for Paul.

  8. Jay Rodriguez

    Hello I recently came to Merle Friedman for sciatic pain after an L4-L5 surgery on my discs. I had excruciating pain down my buttock, side of my leg, and down to my ankle. Couldnt do much of anything during the day and couldnt sleep at night due to the pain. Merle is very informative and knowledgeable about the steps to get the best healing. We tried a few different things and im happy to say im totally pain free and can walk without a problem anymore. Merle also suggests ways to improve your health as well to keep symptoms at their low. I couldnt be more happy with the results. Thank you Merle.

  9. Jeanie Davis

    I’ve had chronic back pain for about 15 years caused from overworking a muscle that pretty much stayed contracted all the time. I was seeing my primary about it and all the pills and therapy weren’t working and he suggested I see an acupuncturist. I found Merle and I’ve been seeing her for a little over a month now and she has helped me tremendously. I’m nearly pain free. I get acupuncture and auricular therapy from her. If your sceptical, try it and if your not a believer after then great but I bet you won’t be after visiting with her.

  10. Darren Moreno

    This is going to sound like an infomercial but who cares. It’s the truth. I went to Merle I believe in 2015. I had suffered a shoulder injury in 2013 doing an Olympic lift while doing Crossfit. I had gone to massage therapists and physical therapists and no one could seem to get my shoulder in working order again. I couldn’t even put my arm behind my back. I was pretty much down on myself because I could not work out like I used and worst of all I couldn’t sleep on my left side because the pain was too much.

    I was referred to Merle by a family friend. I went to her a bit skeptical, but I figured it was worth a shot. After one session, I was able to put my shoulder behind my back and most of my pain was gone. It took about 3 sessions total for me to have my arm feeling like new again. It was amazing. I was scared I would go back to feeling pain but I never did. My shoulder still feels amazingly good.

    Recently I have gone back to Merl to fix another issue I caused myself with my right shoulder and she performed the same miracle. I highly recommend Merle she is great at her profession. She is really a great lady and an excellent acupuncturist.


  11. Greg Hetherington

    I have literally no ligaments in both of my ankles. Over the course of 10 years, I have had 2 orthopedic surgeons tell me I needed surgery. I did not want the invasive surgery. Not only would I have been laid up for 3-4 months, but the movement of my ankles would have been limited, due to the fusion.

    Fortunately, I saw a podiatrist last year that had inserts made for me. I told her initially when I saw her, that I did not want surgery and she assured me that she was going to help me without it. The inserts immediately helped me walk with almost no pain. The problem was that my back and neck were affected by my ankles. I did not realize that if your ankles are bad, they literally affect your whole body. I was told by my chiropractor to think of them as a foundation on a home.

    My brother had mentioned to me that he hurt his back and was not able to walk into the hospital, it was that bad. Jeff told me he had acupuncture and was able to walk out. Jeff said, “I am a believer”.

    I recently saw an acupuncture physician, that I believe is the best in the state of Florida. Merle Friedman was able to pin point my pain by just touching my ear. She touched my ear and then my back. Merle pointed to the exact place I was having the most pain that day.

    I have been receiving acupuncture, supplements and homeopathic injections for the past few months. Since, I have been receiving the injections, I can now walk around my yard. My yard is on a hill and my ankles used to grind and swell up to the size of a grapefruit. I would say that I am 98% pain free. These injections not only help with my pain, but they are healing them. Whereas, the Cortisone shots I previously had were harming my ankles. The reason a doctor will not give you more than 2 shots a year, is precisely that.

    I highly recommend Merle Friedman. As far as I am concerned, she is the best in the business. I personally have recommended her to my friends and family. Just recently, my good friend Wendy was treated for a breathing problem. She had acupuncture and the supplements that Merle suggested. Wendy is now good to go.

    If you want to be basically pain free. I suggest you see Merle Friedman today. Not only is she an outstanding Board Certified Acupuncture Physician, but a Licensed Dietician. Merle is a caring, nice person. You can tell by the way she treats you. Her mission is to heal and I happen to believe she is a great healer.

  12. Jan Heintzel

    I started going to Merle after I hurt my back last summer, I was in pain all the time, after a few treatments and the Chinese medicine she put me on, I started to feel less pain, back surgery was not for me, acupuncture and Chinese medicine have helped my body to heal itself, I am thankful I went to her, she is gentle and cares about what she does to help people.I truly believe in Acupuncture.

  13. Liliana Marginean

    I cannot thank Merle enough for the “intervention” she performed on my neck after having gone through 5 days of increasingly excruciating pain. That Tuesday morning I had 2 options – ER / morphine / no Christmas or acupuncture and a chance at the holidays. My children (who had to drive me to her office) and I were absolutely shocked with the immediate and radical effects of the treatment! To us it was short of a miracle – I still can’t wrap my mind around it, however I am so grateful! I will continue to see Merle for a couple other issues and I am now very hopeful to see considerable improvements in those areas as well. I’ve been telling everyone about my experience, as it’s been one of the best in my 43-year-old life! 🙂
    Liliana Marginean
    Fishhawk Ranch, Lithia

  14. Irma

    My mother was in pain due to neuropathy cause bychemotherapy. She wasn’t sleeping never the less eating. After first treatment been sleeping and eating. Thank you Merle GBY

  15. Daisy

    I am amazed at how Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture work. I went to see Merle to start a treatment for weight loss and pain management. Within the first session I felt differences in my body.

    I have had very bad cramps my entire life and after only the first session, I barely had cramps for one day. Even my husband was happy that I did not have the usual “bad mood” during cramps week. I lost a normal amount of weight, something I have never been able to do by myself. Looking forward to continue treatments with Merle, I am so thankful. Recommend Merle and her treatments 110%!!!

  16. Melissa J.

    I was always somewhat skeptical about acupuncture, that is until I witnessed it working for my 89-year old grandmother after only a couple of visits with Merle. She had suffered with Shingles and now post-neuropathy. After several visits with Merle we were able to stop the prescribed high dosage of pain meds and now get occasional acupuncture….such a relief it’s been!

    And, after seeing it work for my grandmother I decided to see if Merle and acupuncture could help me with an old and rare ailment; it couldn’t hurt! Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy, atrophy of the tongue, it happened more than 20 years ago and yet my tongue was still “crooked” ….the alternative to acupuncture and why I’ve waited …brain surgery! After TWO sessions with Merle my tongue is remarkably straighter and this non-believer is now a believer!! I tell everyone now about my experiences with acupuncture and how Merle helped us!!

  17. Mitzi B.

    I started coming to Merle Friedman for acupuncture treatment recently, primarily because of issues with depression/anxiety, and because I am trying to get off of medication for these issues prior to getting pregnant. After one acupuncture treatment I felt my anxiety/restlessness greatly reduced, and I was able to go down another 10mg on my depression medication. It really helped me a lot and I look forward to more visits to Merle’s office as I continue to wean off of these medications. As an added bonus, I experienced a great reduction in menstrual cramps after just one treatment. Please try acupuncture with Merle, it is very effective and a wonderful experience! 🙂

  18. Debbie E

    I suffered with chronic sinus problems for years. Surgery did not offer much relief. One session of acupuncture gave me unbelievable results. It has been a month since that session and my sinuses are still unclogged! Even with this record-breaking pollen season. Merle makes miracles happen.

  19. Bob Hoffrogge

    After experiencing much discomfort with my right rotator cuff and confering with a surgeon who was ready to operate, I decided to see Merle Friedman after much encouragement from my wife. The results were amazing. Prior to treatment I couldn’t even put my car in park without using my other hand to lift my right arm. Relief without surgery and I now have full use of my arm; without drugs or steroids. Prior to moving out of state, Merle was helping me with my blood pressure as well.

    I recommend Merle/accupuncture everytime I get the opportunity, she is kind, patient and extremely knowledgable. I am so happy with the results!! Thank you Merle!!

  20. Howard Lake

    I had a skin condition that I have had for a number of years.. I tried a number of different non-holistic remedies and none seemed to work.. I went to Merle Friedman’s office and with her help and excellent evaluation my condition has improved signficantly through a regimen of diet and her help.. thanks so much!

  21. Dexter Charles

    I play competitive darts in the Brandon Area Darts Association league and for the last year I had been experiencing continuous pain in my elbow whenever I played too much. I went to see Merle on the day of an important game and after getting an acupuncture treatment that night was one of the best I ever performed on the dart floor. I now no longer throw in pain but continue treatment for intermittent flare ups. Thanks Merle, you have helped me to continue enjoying my favorite part time activity.

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