Hello Everyone,

I had to postpone treating clients at my clinic until further notice due to COVID-19.

At present, I am scheduling secure personalized telehealth sessions online to help you with nutrition, herbal and homeopathic supplements to enhance your immune system.  You are less likely to become ill If you eat a healthy diet and if you maintain a strong immune system.  Certain nutrients can help to support your immune system.  It is important to take a good quality multivitamin/mineral supplement and to make sure that your vitamin D is in the desirable range.

If you want to learn how the Active Pure technology can help to purify the air you and your loved ones breathe, please go to my website www.myvollara.com/merlefriedman1 and select Air Purification products.

I am using this air purifier at my home and office. There are different size units to fit anyone’s needs. Please contact me if you would like to get more information about the air purifiers and if you want to order one for your home.

Please feel free to call me with any questions: 813-240-4023.

Yours in Health,

Merle Friedman,AP





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